What's New v2.0.179.0 (12/07/2005) - improved source collision detection. - fixed explorer drag & drop. v2.0.177.0 (01/06/2005) - fixed double click on source into main window. - fixed item matching issue on systems with 'strange' locales. - SRV: treeview source item cannot be collapsed anymore. v2.0.174.0 (17/02/2005) - fixed files stats (creating items size is now taken by source item). v2.0.173.0 (18/12/2004) - fixed further stats trash issue. - fixed sources icon update after having invalidated a source. - fixed ghost items on invalidating a source. - (added RTL download from the setup). - fixed stats trash issue on invalidating a source. - fixed updated & newer files handling during the change of the selected one. v2.0.168.0 (30/10/2004) - fixed item creation during a partial analisys. - fixed item deletion. - added pattern masks edit dialogs. - quicker source type analysis. - added sources' folders filters (easier ISS, CVS, ... folder filtering). v2.0.163.0 (09/10/2004) - SRV: fixed 'overwritten' setting by menu. - added file size test on items' comparison. v2.0.161.0 (20/09/2004) - SRV: now empty folders are shown when selected items are shown too. - minor analysis tweaks. - fixed already filled stats reset during the analisys. - main window UI minor tweaks. v2.0.157.0 (11/09/2004) - SRV: filter settings are 'remembered' now. - SRV: fixed updating handling flags on a folder. - fixed other stats trashing problems. - fixed stats problems when forcing the candidate selection. - minor Main Window changes. v2.0.152.0 (06/09/2004) - fixed shutting down GPFs. - SRV: fixed multiselected items deletion. - CodeGuard 1st run: fixed a couple small memory leaks. v2.0.149.0 (04/09/2004) - SRV: fixed item deletion. - fix invalidating sources UI. - improved invalidated sources handling - fixed source icon refresh after the analysis. - SRV: changed filters defaults. - fixed the selected line invisible report stats issue. - fixed report repaint after a sync. - SRV: treview update after undeleting an item into a deleted folder. - SRV: building treeview with source folder level to 0. - fixed report refresh after a sync. - fixed close button of report dialog. - fixed sources' analysis progressbar. - fixed disabling empty sources. - SRV: added the ability to unselect items. - SRV: fixed some menu issues. - added history handling into filemasks fields. - improved version infos handling. - improved flags into data files. - fixed help UI links. - SRV: added some shortcuts. - SRV: added the ability to restore the original newest item. - fixed some UI minor issues. - used VCL MessageBoxes. - enhanced source analysis (disabling/invalidating sources). - bug report eMail account update. - SRV: fixed treeview update after some opers. - SRV: fixed & tuned file deletion. - SRV: optimized treeview creation. - SRV: finally updated flag edit handling. - SRV: added multiselection opers... - SRV: added treeview menu items control. - SRV: CTRL+UP/DOWN walks through the prev/next selected item. - SRV: added VK_MENU handling on treeview. - SRV: optimized file comparison list update. - SRV: filter settings enhanced. - SRV: added menu icons. - used VCL iconed buttons... - added menu & shortcut to go to SRV. - SRV: added TreeView multiselection options. - SRV: added TreeView menu. - fixed small mem. leak. - SRV: added listview item menu. - SRV: synchronized treeview and items details. - fixed some vcl treeview issues. - fixed vcl treeview items moving... - SRV: linked current item properties. - SRV: reorganized layout. - SRV: fixed results filter. - SRV: added selected source stats. - SRV: linked treeview selection to comparison list. - SRV: fixed treeview issues. - added Source Results Viewer window (SRV). - fixed minor issues on moving items. - fixed icon status on moved items. - added source updated status. - fixed new commands icons statuses. - added source move. - added source icon status. - added report tree. v1.1.88.0 (26/09/2003) - major enhancements into analysis (faster & more reactive). - minor UI enhancements into copy progressing dialog. v1.1.86.0 (01/09/2003) - fixed the wrong exclusion handling on newly created sources. - fixed an error introduced in v1.0.81.0 into the folder handling. - improved tests for synchronization, caring about disabled sources. - slightly fixed and improved help, and bug report instructions. - changed expand/collapse treeview children logic. - fixed a race condition that may loose some error items into the results log. - double clicking on a file into synch results dialog now opens an explorer window on item folder. - added a button to save the synch results. - improved unusual file handling (disabled files). - added the ability to overwrite an updated file (from file properties). - fixed file creation into file masked sources. - added source exclusion file mask. v1.1.74.0 (30/07/2003) - help file Issues section is updated. - fixed some problems (accesses denied) in handling read-only files. v1.1.72.0 (24/06/2003) - now the synchronization first deletes files, and then it updates the old ones. v1.0.71.0 (12/06/2003) - fixed handling flags dialog init with sources (values aren't reported correctly). v1.0.70.1 (14/05/2003) - fixed sources validation (root folders). v1.0.69.0 (07/05/2003) - added known open issues into the help file. - fixed the files/folder elimination during the synchronization. - fixed network shares validation. v1.0.67.0 (04/05/2003) - slightly improved the help. - now at the end of a synchronization the program knows (and shows) if the sources are already updated or not. - renabled the error during the analysis (if any). - added the shortcut for the synchronization (F6). - 'File-New' now asks if save the current data (if any). - minor UI fixes v1.0.61.0 (26/04/2003) - better error handling during the sources' analysis. - rewritten file copy engine. - improved multithreading synch. v1.0.58.0 [rc2] (05/03/2003) - caught and fixed an horrible error that quits the file analysis. - fixed UI treeview shortcuts into the main window. - minor AnsiString fixes. v1.0.55.0 [rc2] (04/03/2003) - fixed r-click and context menu issues. - added some check to avoid duplicate or included sources. - added drag and drop support to add sources. - other code riorganizations. - some internal code riorganizations. - help file updated & fixed. - optimized treeview update after synchronization (deleted files) - smoother analysis progressbar. v1.0.48.3 [rc1] (23/02/2003) - fixed treeview items selection issues. - added the the filter the hide the selected items. - smoother treeview handling. - now updated folder are not shown anymore if the updated items are not visible. - double-click an item now activates access rights dialog. - cut long filenames into dialogs. - added eMail bug report. - fixed some sources file masks problems. - added the ability to select the newest candidate by double clicking into 'File Prop.' dialog. - fixed some other minor UI problems. - fixed some UI inconsisence during the file analysis. - now the help pops up during the first program start. - added the ability to disable version infos handling for each source. - fixed deleted folder icon update. - fixed GPF on setting file handling attrs (on folders with subfolders). v0.9.6.25 (06/02/2003) - fixed the treeview garbage on command 'New'. - fixed "Delete All" button label update on dialog opening. - the file comparing cares about file build type now. - added the percentage into file copy dialog. - 2 files with the same versions are now equal (time-stamps are ignored). - fixed the persistence of deleted item ever after being deleted. - fixed deleted/undeleted dummy item issues. - fixed version description into file prop. are swapped. - fixed help integration. - now handled F1 to get the help. - now sincronization process handle only the items that need and that can be updated. - now updated ro files are not shown as disabled anymore. - fixed comparison issue with read-only sources. v0.9.4.13 (04/01/2003) - updated help file. - added the ability to mark a tree item to delete all related files from property dialog. - after the synch, empty folders aren't shown correctly. - now menu button is handled correctly. - minor fixes and enhancements. v0.9.2.9 (28/09/2002) - rebuilt with BCB6.sp2 with extern runtimes. v0.9.2.8 (21/08/2002) - fixed several bugs affecting the file analyzer. - fixed file copy error handling. - added command line params handling (actually supporting "-open", "-analyze" params). - setup now adds .hrd file type (to easily open them from the explorer). - setup now shows a brief user licence before install the program. - setup now shows the history log file. - minor fixes and enhancements.